Photo Friday

It’s Photo Friday again.

We spent some time downtown enjoying the scenery.

This fountain was built in 1920.

Jonah sitting in the rose garden.

Karoline’s favorite rose.

My favorite rose.

Karoline, Nathan &

Jonah who is unhappy to be out in the heatL

Have an awesome weekend!!

6 thoughts on “Photo Friday

  1. I’ve just always wondered if that’s something kids do. I used to read Wil Wheaton’s blog a lot, and he’d write these wonderfully heart-warming posts about his step sons, and I just always hoped they knew he wrote nice things about them. 🙂 Same with you. Your kids look old enough to be interested in their mom’s online writings. I just wondered if they were.


    1. I don’t know if they’d be embarassed or not:) I tell them when I write about them and what I wrote…I should let them read it since what I write isn’t generally something I express to them directly in words…hmmm.


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