This is The Life!


relaxing by the pool
(Photo credit: nettsu)


“He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.” (1 John 5:12 NASB)I ran across these words this morning making me smile. I have always loved how this verse was phrased…”He who has the Son has the life…” This past weekend some friends gave us a weekend away at a resort. We were so excited knowing it would be our only “vacation” this summer since my husband just started a new job. As we got closer the excitement began to build and we were not disappointed when we saw our accommodations. It was so nice and there was plenty to keep us busy for the weekend.

Our Saturday was spent by the pool, actually all of them. We found our place on some lounge chairs and the kids went off to explore. I pulled out a book, looked around and thought, “This is the life.” There was no laundry to do, bathrooms to clean or cooking to be done. It was a weekend where my biggest chore was to relax and enjoy the quiet. “Yes, this is the life.”

Do we think that’s all there is to the Christian life? Do we think it should be easy, without struggle, pain or disappointment? There was a time in my life when I thought that. I thought Jesus came so I could have an easy life. The only people who struggled had sinned and were deserving of their suffering. If I was very careful not to sin big, then my life would be filled with ease. My family would always be safe. We would never have problems. My marriage would remain intact. Hmmm.

Anyone who has walked with Jesus for any period of time knows this journey will be sprinkled with joys and struggles. There will be times of peace along with times of turbulence. That is the way of this world. But Jesus remains in happiness and in grief. When we have Him, we can get through anything. There are times when we are on top of the world jumping for joy over His blessings. And there will be times when we cling to Him for dear life because every ounce of hope has been stripped away.

Jesus came that we may have “the life”, eternal life. His motivation was a love stronger than any other love. And His desire is for a relationship with us. He cares and wants to rejoice with us when life is good. He wants to walk with us through the deepest valleys of our journey. Sometimes, He gently lifts us into His arms when we are too weak. He never leaves because He loves us.

I don’t know where you are in your walk. I don’t know if life is gliding along with ease. Or if this is the most difficult time in your life. What I do know, is that Jesus came to walk with you in this life. He will never forsake you. He will never withhold His love from you. There is no sin greater than His grace. He wants to know you, love you and care for you. He wants you to have “the life”.

5 thoughts on “This is The Life!

    1. I’m glad you were encouraged. I will keep you in my prayers. The enemy tries to keep us discouraged but we always have hope in the Lord!!


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